Nous vous accompagnons pour des simulations numériques :
3D superimposition and integration of a new installation into an existing environment enables you to :
Virtual simulation of complex handling operations saves dismantling time, makes operations more reliable, reduces production downtime and ensures the safety of people and property.
We carry out virtual blank assemblies to check residual clearances inside mechanisms, and to optimize and make reliable the renovation or modification of complex machines.
We produce 3D models for numerical finite element calculations and simulations.
We inspect and characterize the geometries of your parts, machines and structures.
Les contrôles géométriques permettent de vérifier la conformité d’une pièce, d’une machine ou d’une structure par rapport à un référentiel réglementaire ou à des spécifications client.
They can also be used to monitor the evolution of geometry over time.
It is also possible to measure geometric quantities that are difficult or impossible to achieve using conventional means. Difficult access or mass measurements (heights, lengths, depths, diameters, angles, surfaces, volumes, etc.)
We give you a new perspective to better understand why your machines wear out, warp or break too often.
Nous vous permettons de comparer des pièces pour tenter d’expliquer des variations de performances en production ou pour vérifier des écarts entre plusieurs sources d’approvisionnement ?
We scan your dismantled parts in your workshops, or on site, at the foot of or on the machine, during a spot shutdown, to minimize downtime and enable you to restart production as quickly as possible.
We can assist you on site during reassembly, for machine set-up and alignment.
We can help you to control reloading and machining operations on site.
We offer scanning and 3D digitizing services throughout France and abroad.
n° : 2024-411
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